Every day I walk through my school and I see people putting another person down. Over social media I see the rude comments posted on peoples pictures. I see the rude looks people give walking by a person in a store. Where did the love go? One thing I’ve learned in life is that there is only one judge.
•James 4:12 “There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?”
We look at a person who doesn’t have the money to have the nice clothes you own and we judge even when we are not capable to see into their life’s. Everyone has a story and there is only one judge and that’s God. Only God can see into a persons life and mind. Only God will be speaking judgement during the last days. So why is their judgment when we should love the people around us?
•Ephesians 4:2 ” Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
•John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
I see girls yelling at each other in the halls, I see guys getting in fights but where is the love? Jesus loved you so you should love your neighbor. Love like Jesus has, forgive like Jesus has, accept one another like Jesus has!
~ the other day a girl (never even seen before) came up to me randomly with a bright smile I could see even through her mask and she said “well hey beautiful”. People hear that and think ‘she’s weird’ ‘she is hitting on you’. But no this is exactly what the world needs. We need love in this world and I believe that even though we live in a fallen world with a generation that is broken, I believe we can still be the generation to arise and turn the broken and hurt into something beautiful. Turn the brutal world into love and it’s all starts through Jesus. It’s time to put the pride away and know that no one is better than another. It’s time to love the people that surround you every day. I encourage you to love like Jesus! Let’s build this generation up of the love that Jesus brings.
~today I encourage you to find the person you look down at and simply get to know them. Love them like Jesus would!

Ainsley Markou

Insta: DLB_dontlookback