
1Creation of the world.
5:19–24Translation of Enoch to be with God.
7:9–12, 17–24The Noahic Flood.
11:1, 5–9The Judgement on the Tower of Babel.
12:10–20Plagues on Pharaoh for taking Abraham’s wife.
17:15–19; 18:10–14
21:1–8Sarah’s conception of Isaac.
19:9–11Angels blind the Sodomites.
19:15–29The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
19:24–26Lot’s wife turned to salt.


3:1–15The Burning Bush.
4:1–5Moses’ rod turned into a serpent and back.
4:6–7Moses’ hand become leprous and is restored.
7:10–12Aaron’s rod turns into a serpent and swallows up the rods of the Egyptian sorcerers.
7:19–24Water in Egypt turned into blood.
8:5–7; 12–13Frogs brought forth on the land of Egypt.
8:16–18Lice are brought forth on the land of Egypt.
8:20–24Swarms of flies are brought forth on Egypt but not on the land of Goshen.
9:1–7Murrian (deadly pestilence) is brought on the cattle of the Egyptians, but not on Israel’s cattle.
9:8–11Ashes produce boils on the Egyptians but not on Israel’s men and animals.
9:22–26A terrible storm of thunder, hail, and fire which ran along the ground.
10:3–19A plague of locusts on the Egyptians.
10:21–23A plague of darkness was brought on the Egyptians while Israel had light.
12:29–30Slaying the first born children.
13:21–22The pillar of cloud led Israel by day, and the fire led them by night.
14:19–20The angel of the Lord protects Israel from the Egyptians.
14:21–29The parting of the Red Sea.
15:23–25Sweetening of the bitter waters of Marah.
16:12–13The camp of Israel is covered with quail.
16:14–15Manna is provided for Israel to eat.
17:5–6Moses strikes the rock and water is provided.
17:8–16Remarkable victory over Amalek.
19:16–18Fire and smoke engulf Mount Sinai.
19:19–25God answers Moses from the Mount.
20:1–17God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses.


9:23–24Fire from the Lord consumes the burnt offering.
10:1–7The fatal judgment upon Nadab and Abihu.


11:1–2Fire from God to consume murmuring Israelites.
12:10–15Miriam is made leprous and is healed.
16:35Fire from the Lord consumes 250 men who offered incense.
16:28–33Korah and his rebels are swallowed by the earth.
16:46–48The plague stopped by the offering of incense.
17:8Aaron’s rod buds.
20:7–11Moses strikes the rock to bring forth water.
21:6–9Healing by looking at the brass serpent.
22:21–35Balaam’s donkey speaks.


3:14–17The waters of the Jordan are divided.
5:13–15The appearance of the Captain of the Lord’s hosts.
6The fall of Jericho.
10:12–14The sun stands still upon Gibeon.


2:1–5The Angel of the Lord appears to Israel.
3:8–11The Spirit of the Lord comes upon Othniel.
3:31Shamgar slays 600 Philistines with an ox-goad.
6:11–24The Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon.
6:36–40The sign of Gideon’s fleece.
7:15–25God delivers Midian into the hands of Gideon.
13:3–21The Angel of the Lord appears to Manoah.
14:5–6Samson slays the young lion.
15:14–17Samson slays the Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
16:3Samson tears down the city gate and carries it away.
16:27–31Samson causes the collapse of the temple of Dagon.

1 Samuel

3:2–10The voice of God calling Samuel.
5:1–5The overturning of the god, Dagon.
5:6–12Philistines in Ashdod smitten with tumors.
6:19The Lord smites the men of Beth-Shemesh.
28:15–20Samuel appears from the dead to rebuke Saul.

2 Samuel

6:6–7The Lord fatally smites Uzzah.

1 Kings

3:3–28God gives Solomon great wisdom.
17:1Elijah prays and rain does not come for 3 years.
17:2–6Elijah is fed by the ravens.
17:8–16Meal and oil are supplied for the widow of Zarephath.
17:17–24Elijah raises the widow’s son.
18:17–38Fire from heaven consumes the sacrifice of Elijah on Mt. Carmel.
18:41–46Elijah prays and God sends an abundance of rain in response.
19:5–8Elijah is fed by the Angel of the Lord.

2 Kings

1:9–15Fire from heaven consumes two captains and their men.
2:7–8Elijah parts the waters of the Jordan and walks across on dry ground.
2:11Elijah is taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire.
2:13–14Elisha parts the waters of the Jordan.
2:19–22Elisha heals the waters of Jericho.
2:24Blasphemous youths killed by she bears.
3:15–20Ditches are mysteriously filled with water.
4:1–7A widow’s oil pot is refilled with oil by God.
4:8–17Elisha prophesies and the Shunammite woman bears a son.
4:32–37Elisha raises the Shunammite’s son.
4:38–41Elisha detoxifies the poisonous pottage.
4:42–44One hundred men are abundantly fed with 20 loaves of bread and 20 ears of corn.
5:1–14Naaman is healed of leprosy.
5:27Gehazi is struck with leprosy.
6:5–7Iron axe head floats on water.
6:16–17Elisha’s servant’s vision of the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire.
6:18The Syrian army is struck with blindness.
6:19–20God opens the eyes of the Syrians after Elisha leads them into Samaria.
13:20–21A dead man is raised by contact with elisha’s bones.
20:9–11Ahaz’s sundial returns backward by ten degrees.


38–42:6God speaks to Job from the whirlwind.


1:1Isaiah’s vision concerning Jerusalem.
6Isaiah’s vision of the Lord.


1Exekiel has a vision of God’s glory.


2:26–45Daniel recounts and interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
3:14–30Three Hebrew youths delivered from the fiery furnace.
5:5The handwriting on the wall.
6:16–23Daniel saved from the lions.
7:1–8:14Daniel’s visions.
9:20–27Daniel’s vision of the 70 weeks.
10:1–12:13Further visions of Daniel.


1:4–16Tempestous storm from God to arrest the fleeing Jonah.
1:17The Lord prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah.
4:6The Lord prepares a gourd to shade Jonah.
4:7The Lord prepared a worm to smite the gourd.
4:8The Lord prepared a vehement east wind.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

1:11–19An angel of the lord appears to Zacharias.
1:20–22Zacharias is struck dumb.
1:26–38Angel of the Lord appears to Mary.
1:64Zacharias healed of dumbness.
2:9–15Angels appear to shepherds.
3:16–171:9–113:21–23Holy Spirit decended as a Dove, and a voice from Heaven spoke.
4:111:13Angels minister to Jesus after the temtation.
1:42–48Jesus sees Nathanael under the fig tree.
2:1–11Water turned into wine.
2:23Jesus performs many signs.
4:46–53Nobleman’s sone healed.
4:30Jesus escapes from the hostile crowd.
5:6Catching a draught of fish.
1:23–25; 4:33–35Casting out an unclean spirit.
8:14–151:30–314:38–39Healing Peter’s mother-in-law.
8:161:32–344:40Healing many sick people.
4:23–241:39Jesus heals all manner of sickness and casts out many demons.
8:2–31:40–425:12–13Cleansing a leper.
9:22:3–55:18–20Healing a paralytic.
5:6–9Healing an infirmed man at Bethseda.
12:9–133:1–56:6–10Healing the man’s withered hand.
12:153:10Healing of many people.
8:5–137:1–10Healing a centurion’s servant.
7:11–15Raising a widow’s son at Nain.
12:22Casting out a demon from a blind mute.
8:23–264:35–398:22–24Stilling the storm on the sea of Galilee.
8:28–325:6–138:28–33Casting out the demons and allowing them to enter swine.
9:23–255:35–428:49–55Raising the ruler’s daughter.
9:20–225:25–348:43–48Healing the woman with an issue of blood.
9:27–30Healing two blind men.
6:5Jesus heals a few sick people in Nazareth.
9:32–33Casting out a demon from a deaf mute.
9:35Jesus heals the sick in many cities.
14:14Jesus heals the sick among the great multitude.
14:15–216:35–449:10–176:5–13Feeding the five thousand.
14:256:486:19Walking on the sea.
14:35–366:55–56Healing of many at Gennesaret.
15:21–287:24–30Healing the Canaanite woman’s daughter.
7:31–35Healing a deaf mute.
15:30–31Jesus heals many among a great multitude.
15:32–388:1–8Feeding the four thousand.
8:22–25Healing a blind man at Bethsaida.
17:1–89:2–89:28–36Jesus’ transfiguration.
17:14–189:17–279:38–42Healing the Epileptic boy.
17:24–27Temple tax in the fish’s mouth.
9:1–7Healing a man born blind.
11:14Curing a demon-possessed, blind mute.
13:11–13Healing an infirmed woman.
14:2–4Healing a man with dropsy.
11:43–44Raising Lazarus.
17:12–14Cleansing ten lepers.
19:1–2Jesus heals many at the borders of Judea.
20:30–34Healing the two blind men.
21:1418:35Jesus heals the blind and the lame man in the temple.
21:18–1911:12–14; 20Withering the fig tree.
12:28–29A voice from Heaven.
22:51Restoring a servant’s ear.
27:5115:3823:45The Veil of the Temple is torn from top to bottom.
27:51A great earthquake, and the rocks were broken.
27:52–53The tombs were opened and many of the dead are raised.
28:1–1016:1–824:1–1220:1–9The resurrection of Jesus.
28:1–7An angel rolls the stone from the grave and speaks to the women.
28:5–816:5–724:4–8Angelic appearance to those at the sepulcher.
20:11–13Two angels appear to Mary.
16:920:14–17Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.
28:9–10Jesus appears to the women.
16:1224:13–35Jesus appears to the two on the road to Emmaus.
20:19–23Jesus appears to 10 apostles.
28:16–2016:14–1824:36–4920:26–31Jesus appears to 11 apostles.
21:1–25Jesus appears to 7 apostles.
21:6Miraculous catch of fish.


1:3–5Jesus appears to all the apostles. (Lk 24:24–51)
1:6–9Jesus ascends into heaven.
1:10–11Two angels appear to the apostles.
2:1–4The coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.
2:4–13The apostles speak with other tongues.
3:1–11Peter heals the lame man in the temple.
5:5–10Ananias and Sapphira are killed.
5:12Many signs and wonders performed by the apostles.
5:18–20Anel releases the apostles form prison.
7:55–56Stehen sees Jesus at the right hand of God.
8:7Unclean spirits are cast out of many.
8:13Philip performs miracles and signs.
8:14–17The Samarians receive the Holy Spirit.
8:39–40Philip caught away by the Holy Spirit.
9:3–7Jesus appears to Saul (cf. 1 Cor. 15:8).
9:10–16Jesus appears to Ananias.
9:17–19Saul’s sight is restored.
9:32–34Peter heals Aneneas.
9:36–42Dorcas is restored to life.
10:1–8Cornelius receives a vision.
10:9–16Peter receives a vision three times.
10:44–48Cornelius’ household receives the Holy Spirit.
12:7–10An angel releases Peter from prison.
12:23The angel of the Lord kills Herod.
13:8–11Elymas the sorcerer is blinded.
14:8–10Paul heals a lame man at Lystra.
16:16–18Paul casts a demon out of a young woman.
18:9–10The Lord appears to Paul.
19:6Believers at Ephesus receive the Holy Spirit.
19:11–12Many unusual signs performed by Paul.
20:9–12Eutychus is restored to life.
23:11The Lord appears to Paul.
28:3–6Paul protected from the viper bite.
28:7–8Paul heals the father of Publius.
16:25–26Prison doors opened and Paul’s and Silas’ bands are broken off.

1 Corinthians

15:6Jesus’ appearance to five hundred people.
15:7Jesus’ appearance to James.

2 Corinthians

12:1–6Paul’s vision of heaven.


1:1–3:22John’s vision of Jesus.
4:1–22:21John’s vision of the future.
6:12A great earthquake.
6:12The sun becomes black as sackcloth.
6:12The moon becomes as blood.
6:13The stars fall from heaven to earth.
6:14Every mountain is moved out of its place.
8:7Hail and fire mingled with blood falls on the earth.
8:8Something like a great burning mountain is cast into the sea, and a third part of the sea becomes blood.
8:9A third part of the creatures in the sea die.
8:9A third part of the ships are destroyed.
8:10–11A great, burning star falls from heaven and a third part of the rivers and fountains become bitter.
8:12A third part of the sun is darkened.
8:12A third part of the moon is darkened.
8:12A third part of the stars are darkened.
9:1A star falls from heaven.
9:2The sun is darkened by the smoke from the botomless pit.
9:3–11A plague of locusts are given power to torment men for 5 months.
9:18A third part of mankind is killed.
11:5The two witnesses devour their enemies by fire from their mouths.
11:6The two witnesses stop the rain for 3 1/2 years.
11:6The two witnesses turn water into blood.
11:6The two witnesses smite the earth with many plagues.
11:11The two witnesses are raised from the dead.
11:12The two witnesses ascend into heaven.
11:13There is a great earthquake in which a tenth part of the city falls, and 7000 men are slain.
11:19There are lightenings, voices, thunderings and earthquake and great hail.
16:2Fowl and loathsome sores fall on men who worship the beast.
16:3The sea becomes as blood, and every living soul in it dies.
16:4The rivers and fountains of waters become blood.
16:8The sun scorches men with fire.
16:10Darkness covers the kingdom of the beast.
16:12The water of the river Euphrates is dried up.
16:18There are voices and thunders and a great earthquake.
16:20The islands flee and the mountains cannot be found.
16:21A great hail of heavy stones falls on people.
18:1–24The fall of Babylon.
19:11–16The return of Jesus Christ.
21:1The new heaven and the new earth appear.
21:10The new Jerusalem descending from heaven.

Not all these events are miracles in the technical sense of a direct action of God superseding a natural law. Some (e.g. Gen. 7, 19) may be a special act of divine providence where God uses natural laws to accomplish His purpose.

Chart adapted from Appendix 2 in Norman L. Geisler. Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker (1992).